Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hello everybody!...

Before anything I would like to apologize because of the delay… but lately I have much work to do... I’m sorry.

I’m going to remind you what we were explained by Carlos Alonso in the Climate
Change conference, yesterday in la Misericordia.

Our community, Islas Baleares, was the first one in Spain in having a specifically
Climate Change General Direction created in 2005.

The most important information sight is the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), created in 1988. If you have any doubt about climate changes, go to

We must know a few basics before we continue:

¿What’s the climate? It’s the average state of the weather which is measured in 30 years, so we cannot say that a climate is changing if it hasn’t been stable for 30 years before; if it changes a year, it makes no sense.

¿What’s the climate change? It’s a change on the climate caused by nature causes and humans.

The greenhouse effect:

If it wasn’t for it there wouldn’t of been life on Earth at all because it maintains
The Earth temperatures stable.

But in those last years, the humans are making it faster, and that can have bad consequences for the planet’s life.

The Earth absorbs the Sun’s energy and reflects it as heat.

The curious thing is that the Sun doesn’t heat the air, it heats the objects and those heat the air.The greenhouse gases are the ones who absorb the heat that come from the earth.

If we cut down the trees or we remove the natural floor as to build on it we remove plants and minerals that absorb CO2, and that is no good, because we need those natural elements to absorb the CO2 that accumulates at the atmosphere.


The air quality can be decreased by toxic substances that get accumulated in organisms and that can cause damages. That’s called contamination. Some substances are: SO2, NO2, CO, O3 and BZ.

Then, Carlos, the lecturer, sowed us that even in newspapers haven’t got clear what the climate change and the greenhouse effect are, and because of that they write incoherent things.

Those are a few consequences of the climate change:

-Sisteme’s heatening.

-Sea level rising (not by ice meeting but or thermal dilatation)

-Raing changes.

-Bigger huricanes.

-The earth heats faster then the sea.

-There are more droughts.

There are no observed changes on:


-Dust storms.



-Antartical ice paltforms.

Some things that are previewed for the future are: even bigger hurricanes a cyclones, more heat waves and stronger ones, the anthropological warming will continue, and if all Greenland’s ice melts, the sea level will rise 7 meters.

He showed us some graphics:

The heating will be more intense on Mallorca than in other smaller islands.

Another recommended website is:

Before the conference ending he gave us some advises that we could try to carry
out at home as to save energy and money in a simple and easy way:

-Use low consume bulbs.

-Turn of the lights in empty rooms.

-Substitute the air conditioning for a ventilator.

-Install solar panel son your house.

-Use natural Light instead of artificial.

-Avoid energy losses in winter.

-Dry out the clothes on the sun heat.

-Use public transport or take a walk.

-Read the labelling of the appliances.

-Unplug the recharger when the charging is complete.

-Only use the washing machine or the dishwasher when they are full.

-Turn of the TV, the computer or the DVD during the night.

Sorry for the delay.

CYA all

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